Reporter Tv Rec Pro 2020


The usual video maker application becomes like a pro version of television news with a complete feature, now you can create a unique video similar to news only with this application "Tv Rec Pro 2020". turn on the application, adjust the title text and the contents of the news and the running text and can also match the logo you want, you can even add logos and videos from the gallery. let game download and let this app info keteman-friend you. immediately record a video of your work news and share it with friends through social media accounts that you have.
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February 7, 2020
5.0 and up
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What's new

New features:
- New look for content settings
- Added news captions
- Add news / photo images from the gallery
- Added fonts for text logos
- Longer running text
- Control images / photos of news, text and video that is easier and simpler.
- Can be controlled remotely via the VR BOX joystick to control text slides, images, animations, show / hide bar news and front or rear camera switches.
- and many more.


The usual video maker application becomes like a pro version of television news with a complete feature, now you can create a unique video similar to news only with this application “Tv Rec Pro 2020”. turn on the application, adjust the title text and the contents of the news and the running text and can also match the logo you want, you can even add logos and videos from the gallery. let game download and let this app info keteman-friend you. immediately record a video of your work news and share it with friends through social media accounts that you have.

Aplikasi pembuat video biasa menjadi layaknya berita televisi versi pro dengan vitur yang lengkap, kini kamu bisa membuat video unik yang mirip berita hanya dengan aplikasi ini”Reporter Tv Rec Pro 2020″. hidupkan aplikasinya sesuaikan teks judul dan isi berita serta teks berjalan dan juga bisa di sesuikan logo yang kamu inginkan bahkan bisa menambahkan logo dan video dari galeri. ayo buruan unduh dan beritahu info aplikasi ini keteman-teman kamu. segera rekam video berita karyamu dan bagikan ke teman melalui akun media sosial yang kamu punya.


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